Sunday 26 November 2023

Shoulder to Shoulder with Boris Johnson

This photo  was taken at the London march on 26 November 2023 ostensibly taking place against anti-semitism, but in fact against the Palestinians. 

What does Boris Johnson have to do with fighting racism, as opposed to promoting it, which is at the cente of Tommy Robinson’s ‘politics’ whose presence was too embarrassing to be welcomed?

The march was organised by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism under the slogan of “Standing shoulder to shoulder with British Jews”

The day before many hundreds of thousands took to the streets for Palestine, including many jews, giving the lie to the argument that there is a unity of British jews in support of Israel

One of my jewish friends has been attending these marches and she is the great grandniece of Albert Einstein. She has written about it here

If alive today her great uncle would have joined her.

Historically Zionism was never central to jewish thought and actions. I have written about this here

Final word to jewish professor,  Raz Segal in conversation with Owen Jones.