Friday 22 March 2019

The war of Corbyn's Hat

This is an updated version of yesterday's blog with thanks to David Rosenberg ..   

Ex BBC and Channel 4 reporter Paul Mason says this, “I'm sickened by the total lack of proportionality in the reporting. We are living through a constitutional crisis and most of the political reporters are treating it like a joke … If Corbyn wears the wrong hat it's a ten minute diatribe … He's fucked it up. He ought to go … And why? For the political class their world is one step from destruction … If May falls it is the end of the right-wing project in Britain for a generation. With Corbyn in power, it is goodbye to the world they thought was permanent.” 

In the middle of all this Brexit is evaporating before our eyes and that means we need a vote. A second referendum takes months. And that referendum campaign would see the far right mobilising its money and influence. In the process the country would become even more divided. On the other hand a general election takes four weeks to organise.

So I agree with David Rosenberg who tweets, "I'd like a People's Vote on Grenfell, Homelessness, NHS privatisation, Yarls Wood, Austerity, Universal Credit, Zero Hours contracts... it's called a General Election. And maybe one more vote on whether Tom Watson is a shmendrik (idiot) or a mamzer (bastard)"
For both those who voted Brexit and for the Remainers a general election would allow the stay or leave debate to take place in a political atmosphere offering real political choice. We would be offered a government pledged to end 40 years of free-market capitalism, the rule of the bankers and property speculators, the hedge fund guys and yacht owners. If you want names on this, then there is Rees-Mogg who has made £7 million from Brexit and David Cameron who has pocketed £800,000 from speaking fees alone since leaving Downing Street. And let's not forget Labour's Tom Watson who takes his money from Old and New-Guard fascists.  These people would be replaced in importance by the unemployed and under-employed, the nurses and domestic care workers, the disabled, students and the elderly who would be offered a government that represents them.  

For these reasons I did not attend the Peoples Vote demonstration on 23 March. I could not walk side-by-side with Anna Soubry MP, who voted for the bedroom tax, which was condemned by the United Nations. With the people who abstained on the Welfare Bill that would have abolished child poverty, who have voted to cut child tax credits, cut employment support allowance and cut housing benefits for young people. With Tom Watson and Jess Phillips who head those in the Parliamentary Labour Party terrified at the prospect of a Cobyn-led government which would challenge a status quo that feeds their privileges and bank accounts. 
Despite all this a Labour victory at a general election would be the easy part of the struggle. Establishment opposition to government policy would follow and this is why there is the need for a massive social and political movement outside Parliament. If you doubt me read this account of the workings of the civil service.

I conclude with another quote from David Rosenberg: “Good luck to Labour activists campaigning today for local elections. Good luck too to left comrades marching in London for the best motives. We disagree on strategy, but see you on the next protests against racism, austerity, etc minus Blair, Cable and Soubry.
and this from Owen Jones: "Best of luck to the #PeoplesVoteMarch. Whatever the differences over how to get out of this terrible mess, let’s unite against the Tories who plunged us into this crisis, and let’s unite to tackle the injustices that caused so many to vote for Brexit in the first place... It's important to separate the thousands marching who believe in social justice and defending migrants; and the Establishment politicians attending who waged illegal wars, scapegoated migrants, and whose austerity policies made Brexit happen in the first place."

1 comment:

  1. Yes totally behind the same momentum for social justice in the UK and across the EU as has united behind Remain. Even so, the key point about Remain for me is it's advocacy of the free movement of people, not just as workers but as equal citizens. I think for all the real issues with the EU, this is one of it's major achievements and if for this alone, I would have been there to march if I could. Sadly I could not, for the same reason I could not be there to march or to join so many other rallies or political events. I am a minimum wage slave, and I do not have paid leave to take for any purpose. I'd have to be absent without leave, and I'd lose even the privilege I have of working 70 hours a week to not even break even. Today I hitch hiked the 20 miles to work as I don't even have the bus fare for this let alone a trip to London. So I agree with you, if only we had the same passion for equality in all walks of life.

    Even so, I want my friends and neighbours from other nations all over the world to know they are Welcome here in the UK as equal citizens, and I'd like to have seen JC there to represent me and others in my position who feel the same way but could not be there ourselves.
