Sunday 15 December 2019

Old Corruption

Postal votes run by company connected to the Tory party

Former Tory MP and Social Security Secretary, Peter Lilley, now Baron Lilley, is a director of IDOX Elections, which, since 2012, has provided electoral services on behalf of UK central and local government, focused upon Electoral Registration and its Postal Vote Management System. IDOX are the largest provider of electoral management systems in the UK. It describes itself as "one of the premier election service providers in the UK, providing outstanding expertise and knowledge across all areas of election management".


Is it part of their expertise to provide Laura Kuenssberg with insider information?

If we ever have another election I would recommend to Not use your postal vote unless you are sick or too old to get to your ballot station. Theresa May’s comment to Jeremy Corbyn - “We will never let you become Prime Minister” now chills my bones. As do the words of Roberto Saviano, anti-Mafia lawyer when he said, “Britain is the most corrupt country in the world.”

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